Worship With Us!
We believe in a God that meets us right where we are, and we would love to have you and your family right there with us! Come as you are to find friendly and positive people excited to introduce you to our church family. You can count on seeing smiling greeters and people who will guide you to where you need to be.
Sunday worship services offer the traditional elements of worship — the Lord’s Supper (2nd/4th Sundays), confession and absolution, the Lord’s Prayer, sermon, Bible readings, The Apostle’s Creed, and prayer — complimented by traditional hymns at 8 a.m. and contemporary Christian music at the more casual 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.
In Person Worship: 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship | 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship
Watch Worship Live: Sunday at 8:00 & 9:30 a.m. using this link.
Worship at Immanuel
Immanuel celebrates the Lord's Supper on the second and fourth Sundays each month, believing that the Communion meal is a gift of Christ to His church.
Baptized adult Christians are invited to share this great gift of God. We ask that children experience our communion preparation classes in the 6th grade before taking communion. White grape juice and red wine are offered; gluten-free wafers are also available.
The Sunday 8 am service is filled with familiar, traditional hymns, and vocal/instrumental choirs and ensembles. Contemporary services include music you commonly hear on Christian radio. Instruments include guitars, drums, violin, mandolin, electric keyboard and more.
At Immanuel, we believe and teach that Baptism is a sacrament. Luther teaches that it is water included in God’s command and combined with God’s word.
Baptisms can be scheduled during a Sunday worship service or as a private, family celebration. To schedule a baptism, contact Julie Kearley at jkearley@immanuelcl.org or call 815-459-1441.

Altar Flowers & Eternal Light
Altar flowers enhance the worship experience in the church Sanctuary and glorify God. They are an offering to God and reflect the beauty of creation. You are invited to donate altar flowers for Sunday worship. Arrangements (generally two) are $40 per Sunday and may be donated to honor loved ones or to mark special celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, etc. Flowers may be picked up at the close of late worship each week, or Monday between 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. You may also donate the flowers to local care facilities or shut-ins by notifying the church office.
Use this link to sign up for altar flower donation. You may also call the church office at 815.459.1441 to sign up to donate flowers. Remit $40 to the church office for each of the Sundays you donate. Payment may be made in cash or check made payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church, or use this link to pay electronically (to cover fees charged to the church by the credit card company, a $1.50 service fee is added per flower order).
The Eternal Light has illuminated the sanctuary of Immanuel for over 150 years. It is a symbol of God’s eternal presence in our church, in our lives, and in our community. You are invited to donate the candle that illuminates the Eternal Light and dedicate it in honor of a loved one or to mark a special occasion.
Use this link to sign up for the Eternal Light candle donation. You may also call the church office at 815.459.1441 to donate the Eternal Light candle. Remit $5 to the church office for each of the candles you wish to donate. Payment may be made in cash or check made payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church, or use this link to pay electronically (to cover fees charged to the church by the credit card company, a .50 service fee is added per candle order).
Sunday Morning Childcare
Sundays 9:30-10:30am | Immanuel Campus
Childcare is provided for parents attending worship or adult education at 9:30am. Immanuel has a great team of volunteers who serve whole-heartedly to care for your children. Childcare is available for children 6 weeks – 3 years old.