Adult Education

To fully know God in this life is to know Him through the Scriptures.

All adults -- young and seasoned -- are invited and encouraged to participate in Bible study at Immanuel. Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. — the Education Hour — is a great time for parents to engage in God’s Word while kids are engaged in their respective classes.  Tuesdays are also a great opportunity to study God’s Word.  Join us each week!

Please e-mail Don Kearley if you have any questions about the studies offered:

SUNDAY STUDIES — 9:30 a.m.

  • The Majesty of Christ

    Sundays at 9:30am | Music Room | Various Presenters

    In this study you will gain a deeper understanding of Christ's character as you learn that everything He claimed about His vocation as the Messiah was vindicated on the third day after His death. In this video based study with R.C. Sproul, you will be challenged and encouraged as you consider the majesty of the risen Christ as the Messiah foretold by the Law and the prophets. Learn the aspects of Christ’s identity as revealed by His titles and the words that the Bible uses to describe Him in His majesty and in His glory.

    February   23               The Son of Man

    March   2                Prophet & Christ

    March    9                Jesus is Lord

    March     16            Mystery of the Messiah

    March     23               The Glory of God

    March     30               Bishop of Our Souls

    April          6                The Bridge

    Watch Mid-Pointe LIVE on Sunday Mornings & View Previous Weeks

  • Digging Deep- Discipling

    Sundays at 9:30am | Room 201 (Immanuel, 2nd Floor) | Led by Raymond Monroe

    Jesus calls to us to be His disciples and characterizes us as disciples who love one another. What does it mean to be a disciple? Is being a disciple about my spiritual journey? We will explore some of the distortions identified in the book The Disciple Dilemma by Dennis Allen.

  • God Connects

    Sundays at 9:30am | The Well | Led by Sharon Tieman and Immanuel Staff

    Prospective members, and those seeking a refresher, participate in this study of Lutheran doctrine in preparation for joining the church.

    January 5 - February 9. Please contact Sharon Tieman to register for the upcoming session:


  • World Religions & Cults

    Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. | The Pointe Outreach Center | Led by Pastor Larry Tieman

    In this study the religions of the world will be explored, and the central tenets of these belief systems will be understood in light of biblical Christianity.  Also, a variety of cults will be discussed to gain an understanding on where the deviate from the core teachings of Christianity and the dangers they sometimes pose.

  • The Gospel of Mark

    Every other Tuesday 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Room 204 Main Campus | Led by Don Kearley

    Many people who are great by the world’s standards or are in positions of authority lord their greatness over those they consider below them. But not our Lord Jesus. The Lord of heaven and earth took on the lowly form of a man to serve humanity and to sacrifice His life to ransom people from sin, death, and Satan. Come study the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark and learn of His servant heart, miraculous powers, and triumph won through His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection.

  • Women's Bible Study - Book of Romans

    Tuesdays 8:15-9:30am | The Well | Led by Laura Wright | Meets every other week

    If there’s a gap between the ideal image in your head of the perfect mother, daughter, wife, sister, co-worker and the person you see in the mirror each day, welcome to the human race. Paul struggled with forces inside of him that longed for better and for worse simultaneously, and he wrote a letter to the Roman Christians to explain how we can never rise above this inner conflict on our own Here’s the good news - we don’t have to. You already know the answer is “Jesus”, but in Romans, Paul tells us both why and how Jesus is the only path to true freedom. This study meets every-other week.

  • Brews, Books and Brotherhood

    Monday 6:30 p.m. | Immanuel - Well | Led by Pastor James Kirk

    Saints and Scoundrels

    This book study presents the key stories of 7 heroes and villains from the birth of Christ to the late Renaissance. At its core, this study explores the faith of these historical characters, or their lack thereof. The desires and beliefs that drive these individuals still drive mankind today. At the end of each chapter are discussion questions relating the chapter’s themes to larger issues, and a personal challenge applying the lessons from these lives to the reader and current society.

    April 28 - A General Climate of Horror; The Madness of Herod the Great (73 – 4 BC)

    May 5 - Contending for the Faith; The Witness of Perpetua (181 – 203) and Irenaeus (130 – 202)

    May 12 - Taming the Storm; The Manly Strength of Saint Columbanus (540 – 615)

    May 19 - An Excellent Pilot; The Leadership of Alfred the Great (849 – 899)

    May 26 - Fouler than Hell Itself; ­The Hypocrisy of Bad King John (1166 – 1216)

    June 2 - A Close Alliance with God; The Justice of William of Orange (1533 – 1584)

    June 9 - Mere Christian; The Vision of Robert Baxter (1615 – 1691)