Missions & Outreach
Immanuel offers numerous missions and outreach programs that reach individuals and groups found locally, regionally and internationally. From food distribution to medical assistance to building homes and drilling wells, Immanuel is involved and is looking for your involvement. Simply contact Sharon Tieman at stieman@immanuelcl.org for more details.
Outreach Opportunities
Comfort Dog
With a dedicated team of 11 trained handlers, 4 ministry partners, and numerous supporters, Abednego is here to serve our church, school, and the wider community with love and compassion.
Whether you would like to invite Abednego to your meeting, group, or event, we encourage you to reach out via email at comfortdog@immanuelcl.org
Food Pantry
Volunteer 3-5 times a quarter at the Crystal Lake Food Pantry. Help Main prepare the food/store for neighbors, escort neighbors while shopping and then clean up the back of house.
Multiple Wednesday shifts available. Contact Mark Noennig at marknoennig@gmail.com for more information.
Pack the Pod
When homeless Veterans move to permanent housing, they often need basic items. PACK THE POD is our annual opportunity to partner with area ministries and support Veterans of McHenry County by gathering and distributing common household items.
Questions? Contact Don Kearley at dkearleyimmanuelcl.org
Sunday of Service
Join hundreds of other Immanuel members in giving their time and talents to serve others one Sunday a year. Start recruiting a team, think of project ideas and email Sharon Tieman to get the ball rolling! Projects for all ages and abilities will be available!
Contact Sharon Tieman with questions: stieman@immanuelcl.org.
Tijuana Mission Trip
During Immanuel’s annual mission trip to Tijuana the mission team will build houses for 2 or 3 families in need and spread the love of Jesus.
For more information reach out to Karl Storz kstorz@yahoo.com.
Operation Christmas Child
Our mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ship these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease; and to children living on Native American reservations in the U.S.
Reach out to
Jen Schulz jennyschulz@juno.com for more information. -
Kids Hope USA
Kids Hope USA is a national church-owned, school based mentoring program that equips a church to build a partnership with its neighborhood public elementary school by providing faithful mentors to children who need a caring adult friend. Kids Hope USA gives schools a proven intervention to help children who may be struggling academically, emotionally or socially at no cost to the school.
For information reach out to Linda Gray Lgray@immanuelcl.org