Kids Hope USA
One Child. One Hour. One School. One Church.
What is Kids Hope USA?
Kids Hope USA is a national church-owned, school based mentoring program that equips a church to build a partnership with its neighborhood public elementary school by providing faithful mentors to children who need a caring adult friend. Kids Hope USA gives schools a proven intervention to help children who may be struggling academically, emotionally or socially at no cost to the school.
One child, one hour is the heart of Kids Hope USA. One caring adult mentoring a child who needs extra attention for one hour every week can make a huge impact. When kids feel loved and valued, they are better able to learn, grow, and succeed.
Why is Kids Hope USA Needed?
Children are facing more obstacles than ever before. There are growing numbers of students whose emotional and social needs eclipse their ability and motivation to learn. Having a consistent, caring mentor come alongside them at a time in their young lives when values are formed, self-esteem is developed, and basic academic skills must be acquired, can help children become better learners.
Public schools are asking for help. Over 50% of the requests for Kids Hope USA programs come from teachers and principals. Schools are looking to the church for help in providing what the children most need...love!
What Makes Kids Hope USA Distinctive?
Owned by one church. Kids Hope USA gives churches a sustainable and replicable strategy to engage their own members in on-going, one-to-one relationships with the public elementary school children.
Focuses on the youngest children. Kids Hope USA churches mentor elementary school children because these are the critical, formative years.
Forms exclusive one-to-one relationships. Kids Hope USA mentors use a weekly one hour “event” during school hours to build a relationship focused on the child’s emotional, social, and academic needs. The result: changes in attitude, behavior, and academic performance.
Respects church-state separation. Mentors are trained to abide by the rules of the host organization. While there is no evangelism at the school, participation in church activities may occur with parental approval.
For more information about this program contact:
Linda Gray lgray@immanuelcl.org or
Robert Dorn rdorn@immanuelcl.org