At Immanuel, our music programs are devoted to glorifying God in worship. Whether singing, ringing, playing an instrument or AV participation, we welcome you to join us and become part of our traditional or contemporary music ministry. It is our vision to provide a variety of musical offerings that glorify the Holy Spirit and bring us closer to God.
Music Programs
Praise Team
Immanuel’s Praise Team consists of the Praise Band & the Audio/Visual Media Team. Our purpose is to serve the church by creating an environment where the congregation can connect with the Holy Spirit during Sunday Worship using music & visual arts. We aspire to guide everyone to truly praise and give glory to God.
Praise Team is open to anyone who is 13 and up. There is no experience needed for the Media Team & auditions for the Band and are held upon request. Members of the band range in talent from intermediate to advanced and everyone who auditions plays at their level. We do not ‘perform’ as our audience consists of ONE: God. We simply lead others to worship. Each member serves as much or as little as they desire. Band members come to a Thursday rehearsal prior to the Sunday they are serving.
If you play Bass Guitar, Drums, Electric Guitar, Piano, are a Male or Female Vocalists you should audition! We need you! And if you aren’t musical, you are needed on our Media Team!
Come see Amy Antor after worship or at aantor@immanuelcl.org to get involved. We don't just make music together, we are a family.
Chancel Choir
The adult chancel choir is made up of high school through adult members who wish to worship God with singing. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. We sing in worship twice a month at the 8:00 service. Rehearsals resume August 22. Please join us in praising our Lord in song. We also gather in fellowship and service opportunities and to grow together in faith. We welcome you to be a part of this ministry.
Contact Music Director, Robert Blazek, for more information. rblazek@immanuelcl.org
Children's Church Choir
If your child loves, to sing, they will love Children's Church Choir. The choir is open to all kids Pre-K through 5th grade and meets every other week in the music room from 6:00-6:30pm. Each rehearsal starts with fun and active warm ups and along with learning songs that praise Jesus, your child will learn vocal techniques as well. As always, choir ends with a super fun game, stickers, and sometimes treats!
If you have any questions or would like the schedule, please email aantor@immanuelcl.org. (Please note: if your child is in middle school or high school and loves to sing, they are invited to audition for the praise band!)
Annual Event
Christmas Cantata
The Christmas story told through music by the Immanuel Chancel Choir and guest musicians.