Social Groups
Alone Together (Widows and Widowers)
Coffee, conversation, and support for widows and widowers. Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1 PM at The Pointe Outreach Center in Crystal Lake.
Contact Ellen at Billneli@aol.com
Dinner for 8
Couples and singles meet quarterly in groups of 8 for dinner and conversation. Alternate hosts and homes. Fun meals and fellowship.
Contact Sharon Tieman at stieman@immanuelcl.org
Men’s Basketball
Plays first and third Sundays each month at the Immanuel gym from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Full court | 10-15 minute games that play to 11 | minimum age = 18 | ALL welcome!
Contact Joe Boscarino at info@immanuelcl.org
Men’s Golf Team
A weekly men’s golf league that competes with teams from other local churches.
Contact Darrin at darrindavidson.usa@gmail.com
Mothers of Pre-Schoolers encourages mothers with children ages birth to kindergarten. MOPS meets Thursday mornings from 9:00-11:00 am during the school year.
Contact Dana Robinson for more information. drobinson@immanuelcl.org