What I do: I get to share the love of Jesus every day! I have the privilege of being an ambassador for Jesus and Immanuel at City Hall, in my neighborhood, in the nursing home or hospital, around McHenry County, and beyond through the blessings of modern technology.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: Our family was called to Immanuel in 2006. We are blessed to be part of an amazing group of Christ-followers who understand the mission of making an eternal difference in the lives of those people God connects us to in everyday life.
Education and Experience: My twin brother and I flipped a coin in 8th grade to see which one of us would enter Pastoral Ministry and which would be called into Teaching Ministry. He won and chose “Pastor” and I started my journey to become a Lutheran educator. After eight years of teaching Biology and coaching, God came and “flipped” my decision and I entered the seminary to become a Pastor, as well. I still love teaching and learning and have been blessed to continue that passion in pursuing a Master’s and Doctor’s degree through Concordia Seminary.
Memorable moment in ministry: I probably enjoyed the Saturday morning visits of “first time guests” with my buddy, Bill Frenk, more than anything. I love carrying newly baptized infants around the sanctuary to “show off” one of God’s new family members.
A few of my favorite things: Family, friends, reading, gardening, watching sports, traveling
Favorite quote: “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full!” (John 10:10)
Cubs or Sox? Who?
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? I could enjoy Georgio’s pizza every day of the week! But somehow, I don’t think Sharon will let that happen!
What I do: I assist Pastor Tieman in proclaiming the promises of God to the community of Crystal Lake and beyond. I get to share God's love with everyone I meet, whether it be through a sermon, a shut-in visit, with my neighbors, or even a short conversation while out in the community! My particular area of focus is facilitating small groups. It's an intentional way to make living as a Christian more than a Sunday morning worship experience. Feel free to reach out to me if you have an activity/Bible study that a small group could do and/or that you would like to be a part of.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: Concordia Seminary issued me a call to Immanuel in late spring of 2023. I had never been here beforehand. Every day, I count my blessings that I live in such an amazing place as this!
Education and Experience: I graduated from Concordia Seminary St. Louis in 2023 with a Master's in Divinity. I graduated from Concordia Chicago in 2019 with a Bachelor's in Theology.
Memorable moment in ministry: In the summers opposite undergrad, I worked as a camp counselor at a NLOMA summer camp (National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association) in northern Wisconsin called Camp Luther. Those summers teaching children the basics of the Christian faith solidified my desire to become a pastor.
A few of my favorite things: Family, friends, disc golfing, road biking, downhill skiing, reading, gardening, and just being out in God's creation!
Favorite quote: “Behold, I am making all things new." (Revelation 21:5b)
Cubs or Sox? Brewers
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Italian beef all the way!