Ministry Support Staff
What I do: I crunch numbers, problem solve, manage data as Immanuel’s Business Manager. And I Love it!
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: February 2004
Education and Experience: Benet Academy, Northern IL University. Accounting Specialist (Accts Payable & Receivable, Budgeting, Payroll). Financial Peace University Leader.
Memorable moment in ministry: Mission Trips hold a special place in my heart.
A few of my favorite things: Time with family is #1, hiking in the woods, playing board games, traveling to fun and unique destinations, discovering quirky nature stuff…my most recent find is synchronizing fireflies. Only a few places in the world does this occur. A very small area in the Smoky Mountains in TN and Congaree National Park in SC are two of them…time for another road trip to see God’s awesome creation
Favorite quote (and who said it): “For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it, If only we are brave enough to be it.” Amanda Gorman, ‘The Hill We Climb’
Cubs or Sox? Cubs
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? LOVE them all!!!
What I do: I am the Office Manager for Immanuel Lutheran Church and School.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: I began working for Immanuel in March 1994 as the school secretary for Immanuel Lutheran School. My family was moving back to our hometown of Crystal Lake after a short work-related move took us to Des Moines, Iowa. I am an alumnus of Immanuel Lutheran School and a lifelong member of the church. Coming back “home” to Immanuel was fantastic for me and my family, and has been a blessing ever since.
Education and Experience: After graduation from Crystal Lake Central High School,l I began a secretarial program at Robert Morris College in Chicago. While attending school I worked at a corporation in the Willis (Sears) Tower. After completion of the program at Robert Morris, I held positions at two law firms and two CPA firms prior to joining the Immanuel staff.
Memorable moment in ministry: My most memorable moment would have to be the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks. That was a certainly a day like none other. The phone calls from the parents, the shock and disbelief of many, along with the careful calmness needed around the students. After school dismissed, we headed to the church for a prayer service led by Pastor Bergen.
A few of my favorite things: Some of my favorite things include spending time with my family and grandchildren. For fun and fitness, my husband and I like to go on hikes/walks as well as bike rides on our tandem bicycle. I also enjoy Sudoku, cross-stitching and Candy Crush.
Favorite quote (and who said it): “The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.”
Cubs or Sox? Cubs
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Deep dish pizza
What I do: Building and Ground Maintenance – performing maintenance and repair of mechanical, electrical, electronics, carpentry, plumbing, security, and grounds elements of Immanuel buildings and facilities.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: August 2017, a chance encounter with the business manager brought me to work here, but I have been a member for 30+ years.
Education and Experience: Associate’s Degree in Electronics from DeVry.
Memorable moment in ministry: Talks with Charles {Gumprecht} after Saturday services.
A few of my favorite things: Hunting, fishing, and Geocaching with my daughter.
Favorite quote: "Success isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal." Mike Ditka
Cubs or Soxs? Cubs!
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Yes!....but if I have to pick one it would be Italian Beef, Hot.
What I do: Pastor asks me to log church attendance… so I do it. Pastor asks me to put the Board of Governance report together… so I do it. Pastor asks me to take meeting notes…so I do it. Pastor asks me to write his weekly sermon…no he doesn’t really ask me to do that. I am Pastor Tieman’s Assistant.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: In 2007 my husband I became members of Immanuel. We knew Immanuel was meant for us when Pastor Tieman stopped by our home to welcome us to the church. When our kids reached school age, we enrolled them at Immanuel School. I served in many volunteer roles before becoming the Volunteer Commissioner for the Upward Ministry in 2017. The following year, I joined the church staff as Pastor Tieman’s assistant
Education and Experience: I received a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education from Illinois State University (shout out to all the Redbirds out there), and a Master’s of Science in Education with an emphasis in literacy from Dominican University. After teaching for several years, I was blessed to become a stay-at-home mom and watch my kids grow.
Memorable moment in ministry: Dinners for Eight, yearly Christmas caroling, and volunteering at On Angels’ Wings for Sunday of Service.
A few of my favorite things: Family, friends, animals, coffee, playing games, traveling, & Urban Farmgirl.
Favorite quote (and who said it): “Success comes in a lot of ways, but it doesn’t come with money and it doesn’t come with fame. It comes from having a meaning in your life, doing what you love and being passionate about what you do. That’s having a life of success!” -Tim Tebow
Cubs or Soxs? Neither…go Yankees!!
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Chicago style hot dog from Gene and Jude’s of course!
What I do: I lead the Praise Team and Audio-Visual Team of volunteers to create an environment of worship where one can connect to God through music and visual arts during worship. I also lead our Children’s Church Choir.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: My husband and I joined Immanuel in 2008. I joined the Praise Team soon after and started leading worship in 2010 as a volunteer. I was hired as the Contemporary Worship Leader in 2018.
Education and Experience: While my Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Illinois University is in Marketing, my passion is music. As a child, I sang in the church choir and the Barrington Children’s Choir, where I was taught to sing. With the Barrington Choir, I traveled to Austria to sing in cathedrals and with the Vienna Boys Choir. We also performed closer to home at the Chicago Theater in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Piano lessons as a child enhanced my experience in band, jazz choir, swing choir, and the NIU Concert Choir.
Memorable moment in ministry: One of my favorites was Easter as a volunteer thinking it was my last time to lead worship before we hired someone as our fulltime leader….and then God led me to the job! I cherished each moment of laughing with the worship team and the joy that is found praising Him together.
A few of my favorite things: Reading, running, yoga, fashion, interior design, baking, going downtown.
Favorite quote (and who said it): ‘No one ever made a difference in the world by being like everyone else.’ – P.T. Barnum
Cubs or Sox? GO CUBS!
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Chitown Deep dish
What I do: I am the woman behind the computer screen who helps keep the Immanuel website updated. I also help with Facebook and Instagram posts.
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: My husband and I joined Immanuel in 2016. Our daughter was born in 2019 and baptized at Immanuel. In 2017 I became part of the Upward Sports Leadership Team and in 2018 I joined the church communication team and then eventually rebuilt the Immanuel website.
Memorable moment in ministry: Volunteering at The Clinic, Trivia Night, my mission trip to Houston, Upward games and the Women’s Retreat. There are so many good memories!
Education and Experience: I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Kansas. I also have a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, and a Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology from DePaul.
A few of my favorite things: Play with my daughter and spend time with my husband. Traveling to the beach, Disney World, reading, coffee.
Favorite quote (and who said it): “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss
Cubs or Sox? KC Royals!!
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Being from Kansas City I am partial to BBQ, but if I had to pick one of these I would go with a Chicago style hot dog.
Kitchen Manager
What I do: Plan meals, create recipes, source materials, maintain inventory, maintain state and federal health and nutrition standards and so much more. A lot goes into getting nutritious food on the lunch trays of our school kids. The cooking is the fun part!
How and when I joined the Immanuel team: Our son, Logan, started at Immanuel in Preschool. The pandemic kept me from returning to my career, so I started working as a substitute cook in fall 2020. Things progressed, and here I am!
Education and Experience: I started getting interested in nutrition years ago when the college hockey coach I worked with asked me to create a performance nutrition guide for his team. I have a BS in Athletic Training and a MS in Physical Therapy and tons of crazy, interesting job experiences. While I look forward to returning to PT someday, staying home to be a mom for a while was an easy calling to follow.
Memorable moment in ministry: Getting 40 AWANA Cubbies to sit still-ish, be quiet-ish and engage in Bible story lessons.
Few of my favorite things: Being outdoors in all seasons, cooking, sewing, learning new things, spending time with my family.
Favorite quote: The strength of a man’s virtue must not be measured by his efforts, but by his ordinary life. - Blaise Pascal
Cubs or Sox: Cubs
Italian beef, deep dish pizza, or Chicago style hot dog? Deep dish!